Meet The CEO/behind the brand

Hi!! My name is Rafeara Tucker, also known as Fee. I was born April 11th 1993 in Philadelphia PA. Growing up i always had a interest in fashion !!! I loved getting dressed up, not only did it make me look good it made me feel good; inside and out. I started my clothing brand in 2016 formerly known as "Luxury Swim". At the time i was only selling swimwear. I would order them at wholesale prices and sell them for double. I offered drop off and pick up services. As time went on, i realized during the winter time business would be slow. So In February 2019, i decided to switch things up. I changed the name of my brand to LUX MONROE.(Lux, short for Luxury. Monroe was inspired by the iconic Marilyn Monroe) Lux Monroe expanded from just selling swimwear to now unisex apparel. That way i could be in business all year round and not only cater to women but both men & women! Business began to take off and my house and car became my warehouse for inventory, that's when i knew it was time to get a physical location. So i took a leap of faith in October 2020 (during a pandemic) rented a space inside of a warehouse located in Kensington Philadelphia. Although it was a very rough and drug infested neighborhood, it was in my price range and the perfect size for my first clothing store. ( you gotta start from somewhere) The support was amazing ! From my family and friends to complete strangers. I finally began to feel like my hard was was beginning to pay off. As time went on, i began feeling like i was i was in a box. I had good days and i had slow days like any other business, but i began to feel like i was outgrowing the space mentally. I felt like i was playing it too safe. In business "Location is key" i wanted a storefront with consistent traffic. Fast forward to May 2021 i signed the lease to my first Brick and mortar store front on one of the busiest strips in Philadelphia; SOUTH STREET!!!! and the marathon goes on. Aiming for ATL up next! Lux Monroe has alot in store for you stay tuned, and continue to chase your dreams....